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CIRA requires that all Net Good Grants recipients submit a final report. This report helps both your organization and CIRA learn from your experience and understand how this grant helped build a better online Canada. Your final report is due within three months of project completion.

The final report presents actual project results against the original project plan submitted in your application. Grant recipients are also required to report on their actual revenues and expenses as compared to their budget and explain any variances.

Once the project report has been submitted and reviewed by CIRA, we will set up a project reflection meeting to discuss the project outcomes and your experience with CIRA. We love to tell the stories of the projects we fund and we will share project outcomes on our website as well as any photos and links that you share with us. Please visit our project list and recent featured stories for examples. 

Project Details

[details will pull from application]

Name of Organization: ____________________
Project Title: _____________________________
Contact Person: __________________________
Telephone: ______________________________
Email: ___________________________________

Report Preparation:

Date: ____________________
Report Prepared by (if different than above): _________________
Telephone (if different than above): _________________________
Email (if different than above): ______________________________

Grant Details:

CIRA Grant Amount: ____________________
Actual expenditures: _________________
Amount over budget (or under budget): ______________________________

Project Dates:

Projected Start Date: ________________
Actual Start Date: ___________________
Projected End Date: _________________
Actual End Date: ____________________

Your Project

Project Summary

  • In your application, you described your project as: [Data will be pulled from the application]. Describe any substantial changes made to your project and explain why you made those changes. (200 words max.)

Beneficiaries Targeted

In your application, you quantified the target beneficiaries as follows. Please provide the actual number of beneficiaries reached in each category relevant to your project.

Students in kindergarten to grade 12: ________________
Post-secondary students: ___________________
People in rural communities: _________________
People in Indigenous communities: ____________________
People in urban communities: ____________________


In your application, you described the following beneficiaries of your project: (Data will be pulled from application)

Did you achieve your targets? Please elaborate on who was reached, both anticipated and unanticipated. (150 words max)

Project Plan

In your application, you described your key activities and outputs as: (Data will be pulled from application).

List all the key activities undertaken as part of this project. If the key activities changed substantially from what was proposed, please explain. (200 words max)

Community Engagement

Please describe how your project engaged with and involved the local community during implementation. (150 words max)


Provide links to, or upload copies of materials that you have created as part of your project. Materials can include: publications submitted and accepted, research reports, training documents and sessions, presentation and training materials, curriculum, tools, prototypes, and program evaluations. Please include up to 3 photos of your project. If you have more materials than the space allows, please merge them into a zip file for upload.

  • Type of document
  • Link/file name
  • Description
  • Metrics (i.e. impressions, downloads, reach)


In your application, you identified these quantifiable results targets in your outcomes: (Data will be pulled from application). Please provide the actual results you achieved.


  • Number of communities reached: ______
  • Number of people reached: _____
  • Number of research reports produced: _____

Online Safety

  • Number of research reports produced: _____
  • Number of educational frameworks produced: _____
  • Number of training programs developed: _____
  • Number of people trained: _____
  • Number of people protected: _____

Policy Engagement

  • Number of events: ____
  • Number of people in attendances: ____
  • Number of reports produced: ____

In your application, you identified these outcomes: (Data will be pulled from application).

Other Measures: ____

Specific Results: ____

Longer-term Impact: ____

What has been achieved to date, both anticipated and unanticipated? What else do you expect will be achieved in the near or longer-term? Please provide examples of both quantitative and qualitative results. (200 words max)

Please provide one or two brief stories or testimonials that exemplify the success of your project. (150 words max)


Please describe your plans to sustain what you have achieved through this project, now that the CIRA grant is finished. (150 words max)


  • If you had the opportunity to do the project again, what would you do differently? (150 words max.)
  • What was your organization’s most significant learning during this project? (150 words max.)
  • What advice do you have, if any, for future CIRA Grants recipients? (150 words max.)
  • We welcome your suggestions on how CIRA can improve its Grants program and processes. Please share any thoughts here. (150 words max.)

Financial Accounting

Was CIRA the sole external cash funder of the project?

  • Yes
  • No

Please list each source of income for the project.

Explain if and how CIRA’s grant helped you to leverage other sources of funding to sustain the project into the future. (150 words max)

Did you spend all of the grant funds on the project CIRA authorized for funding?

  • Yes
  • No

Please indicate how much of the grant funding is unspent: ______

We have emailed your original project budget Excel sheet. Please update that budget form (using the separate Budget Upload task) to report on the project’s actual revenue and expenditures. If you have any additional comments about you budget, please add them below. (150 words max)


Provide links to, or copies of materials, that recognize CIRA as a supporter of your project. Materials can include press releases, media coverage, promotional materials, blog posts, web pages. To help us tell a story about your grant, please include any pictures or other appropriate material. If you have more materials than space allows, please merge them into a zip file for upload.

  • Type of document
  • Link/file name
  • Description
  • Metrics (i.e. impressions, downloads, reach)


I declare that the information provided in this final report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I attest that our organization has spent the total amount of the funds received from CIRA on the project as it was approved.

Name: ________________________________________

Title: _________________________________________

Date: _________________
