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Increasing DNSSEC adoption

DNSSEC is a security protocol that helps authenticate DNS response data to prevent others from intercepting your DNS queries.
Par Rob Williamson
Gestionnaire du marketing

DNSSEC is a security protocol that helps authenticate DNS response data to prevent others from intercepting your DNS queries.

DNSSEC is a security protocol that helps authenticate DNS response data to verify that the server response is what the administrator intended. It is a key security building block that not only secures the DNS but helps to protect the applications which rely on the DNS. It does this by helping to prevent others from intercepting your DNS queries and directing them to a malicious site (i.e. man-in-the-middle attacks). 

Despite these benefits, DNSSEC has had low adoption rates. CIRA has long been an advocate for DNSSEC and looks to a day when there is universal adoption so the Internet is a better, and more secure, place. To help improve adoption we are looking at ways we can change the triple-R model (Registy, Registrar, Registrant) and to make the process of signing a domain easier. 

CIRA’s CTO, Jacques Latour recently published an article, Increasing DNSSEC Adoption – What if We Put DNSSEC Provision in the Hands of Registries? in CircleID that goes into some depth on the topic for those interested in learning more.



À propos de l’auteur
Rob Williamson

Rob a acquis plus de 20 ans d’expérience de la rédaction, de la présentation et du blogage à l’intention de l’industrie des technologies. Il aborde des thèmes aussi variés que les outils de développement de logiciels, l’ingénierie inverse de Silicon, la cybersécurité et le DNS. De fait, Rob est un spécialiste du marketing passionné qui s’adresse aux professionnelles et aux professionnels des TI en leur donnant les renseignements et les précisions dont ils ont besoin pour s’acquitter de leurs tâches.
