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Celebrating 25 years of bringing Canadians together online

Par Byron Holland
Président et chef de la direction

.CA was created 25 years ago. CIRA looks back at its history as it celebrates this milestone.

Do you remember what you were up to in 1987? It seems like a lifetime ago.

I was in university, Brian Mulroney was Canada’s Prime Minister, and Fatal Attraction was the year’s top grossing movie. Depending on your musical taste, you were either listening to The Bangles’ Walk like an Egyptian or Guns and Roses’ Appetite for Destruction. In the tech world, 1987 marked the year Steve Wosniak left Apple and there were 10,000 hosts on the Internet. It was also the year .CA was created, making today, May 14, 2012, .CA’s 25th anniversary.

Twenty-five years ago John Postel, operator of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), delegated the .CA top-level domain to John Demco at the University of British Columbia (UBC). For the next 13 years, Demco and a group of volunteers ran the registry, until it was transferred to CIRA in 2000. Milestone anniversaries like this are times to reflect on the accomplishments of .CA, and of those key visionaries, like John Demco, who saw the potential the Internet had to offer.

It is also a good time to take stock of where we are. We are rapidly approaching two million .CA domains under registration. .CA is now the world’s 14th-largest domain registry, and has the fourth-highest growth rate over the past five years. In short, .CA is an integral part of the Canadian economic and social landscape. We’ve got some big plans to celebrate this key milestone a little later this year, but if you’re really keen on reliving your youth, you might want to join us at the mesh conference in Toronto at the end of the month. Stay tuned.

À propos de l’auteur
Byron Holland

Byron Holland (MBA, ICD.D) est président et chef de la direction de CIRA, l’organisme national à but non lucratif mieux connu pour sa gestion du domaine .CA et pour l’élaboration de nouveaux services de cybersécurité, de registre et de DNS.

Byron est un expert de la gouvernance de l’Internet et un entrepreneur aguerri. Sous l’égide de Byron, CIRA est devenue un des principaux ccTLD au monde en gérant plus de 3 millions de domaines. Au cours de la dernière décennie, il a représenté CIRA à l’échelle internationale et occupé de nombreux postes de dirigeant au sein de l’ICANN. Il siège présentement sur le conseil d’administration de TORIX en plus d’être membre du comité des mises en candidature de l’ARIN. Il habite à Ottawa en compagnie de son épouse, de leurs deux fils et de Marley, leur berger australien.

Les opinions partagées sur ce blogue sont celles de Byron sur des enjeux qui touchent l’Internet et ne représentent pas nécessairement celles de l’entreprise.
