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Optimize your time by identifying and prioritizing malicious emails so you can focus on the real threats that face your organization


What is CIRA Analyst? 

If your team is reporting a large number of suspicious emails, that means your employees feel empowered proactively contribute to your organization’s cybersecurity defenses. But large numbers of reported emails can take a lot of time for your security teams to analyze and gather insights from. That’s why we are please to offer CIRA Analyst, an add-on to any CIRA Cybersecurity Awareness Training subscription.

CIRA Analyst is designed to gather insights, automatically action reported emails, and save you time. Set custom rules that allow you to better identify, analyze, and respond to suspicious emails reported by your team. Protect against threats, close the feedback loop, and continue developing a positive cybersecurity culture. 

Talk to one of our experts to see how CIRA Analyst can help your IT Security team. 


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CIRA Analyst might be for you if: 

✔ Your team is reporting a large volume of suspicious emails.
✔ You want greater visibility on malicious emails making it through your email filters.
✔ Real phishing emails are being reported, and you want to gather information about them.
✔ You want to use real phishing emails as training against future attacks.
✔ You want an automated solution shaped by your processes.

How Analyst can help your organization

Create a customizable series of rules

that run automatically when specific email criteria are reported.

Automatically close the feedback loop

when an email is reported, improving engagement and training outcomes.

Reinforce behavior change

by rewarding real malicious email reports.

Make timely decisions at a glance

by leveraging AI’s predictive confidence.

Prevent incidents by using the “Purge and Delete” functions

to remove suspicious emails from inboxes across your organization.

Safely preview reported emails

to gather insights without exposing yourself to malware. 

Defang real phishes

and turn them into templates for more realistic and effective training

Get in touch with one of our experts today!

Want to learn how Analyst can help your IT security team?

Looking to add Analyst to your package of CIRA Cybersecurity Awareness Training? Schedule a meeting to find out all the ways it can help save your IT Security team time, and protect your employees.
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