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We believe the internet should be a net positive that everyone can access and enjoy.   

However, important resources, opportunities and connections online are still out of reach for many Canadians. Without access to high-quality, resilient internet, or the knowledge to stay safe online, many people remain isolated and at risk.

That’s why we started funding CIRA’s Net Good Grants in 2014. Each year, CIRA invests over a million dollars to support communities, projects and policies that make Canada’s internet better for everyone. CIRA’s Net Good Grants empower organizations across the country to do the critical work that connects underserved communities. 

232 projects funded

$12.95 million invested


How did we get here? Travel a decade of projects building a trusted internet for Canadians, highlighting some of the projects we’ve funded (from over 200!) per year.



Real communities, real impact.

Steam 3
Sfu3 Big
Citizen Scientist Advisory Council Engagement Scaled
Mcgill Youth 2022 Scaled
Association 2019
Infrastructure Project
Sfu2 Big