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Minutes of the Meeting of the CIRA Board of Directors held via Webex on June 29, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. ET


Directors attending: Liza Aboud, Iris Almeida-Côté, Colleen Arnold, Gwen Beauchemin, Anne Butler, Andrew Escobar, Eric Hill, Crystal Nett, Samantha Ventresca, Alourdes Sully, Rob Villeneuve

Advisors: John Demco, Byron Holland, Charles Noir

Regrets: Jill Kowalchuk

Corporate Secretary: Brigitte LeBlanc-Lapointe

Recording Secretary: Lynn Gravel         

Guests: Sanita Alias, Maureen James, Tanya O’Callaghan


1. Approval of Agenda

It was moved by C. Nett and seconded by I. Almeida-Côté that the agenda for the meeting be adopted as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.

2. Community Investment Program Applications


The Board received the summary of the 16 selected grant proposals as tabled. The Chair of the Committee noted the outstanding success of the Community Investment Evaluation Panel in terms of the process and the quality of the recommended proposals, as well as the exceptional support from CIRA staff. The Chair of the Committee and Staff responded to various questions from board members, including in respect of how to leverage learning from prior projects, the outreach programs to promote regional representation and community leadership. The Chair of the Committee noted that the Community Investment Committee was satisfied with the process and recommended applications.

It was therefore resolved that the Board of Directors:

1. Approve the full disbursement of $1,267,844.39;

2. Approve the 16 submissions with discretion to substitute such submissions with a recommended back-up project, all as presented to the Board; and

3. Approve honorariums for the eight independent non-Directors of the Panel in the amount of $2,000 each in addition to their meeting fees and expense reimbursement in a manner consistent with the policies applying to Board committees.

(Moved: A. Butler, seconded: A. Sully, motion unanimously carried)

M. James and T. O’Callaghan withdrew from the meeting.


3. HR Strategic Update


The Board received an update on human resource matters.

4. Other Business


There was no other business to discuss.


5. Next Meeting


The next meeting of the Board will be held on July 20, 2022.


6.   Adjournment

There being no further business, it was moved by G. Beauchemin and seconded by C. Arnold, that the meeting be concluded at 3:00 p.m.
