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This Canadian-based tool provides a map of how data on the internet travels from its source to its destination. Visualizing the Canadian internet by mapping data travel is an empowering resource to improve the security and resilience of Canada’s internet.

Shot Of An Attractive Young Businesswoman Sitting In The Office And Looking Confused While Using Her Computer

What’s happening when you access a specific website?

Through visualization, you can now track the path your data takes to better assess its security. CIRA’s Canadian Traceroute Database (CTRD) aggregates crowd-sourced traceroute information through advanced data mapping and visualization features. Our platform allows users to view the countries and cities through which their data passes, providing a clearer understanding of the process of data routing.

Explore your data’s journey with us!

There are three primary ways to select traceroutes:   

  • Web services search
  • From/to search
  • Advanced search

If you’re just getting started, we recommend beginning with the web services search – under Search traceroutes.

Start now

If you do not find the route(s) you were looking for, go to either the From/To or Advanced tab, where you can adjust the search conditions. Find more information on these options below.

You are ready to get started,
what’s next?

Web services search

This is the easiest way to search. It enables users to swiftly find traceroutes to a predefined set of five services, that originate from a specific city. By default, this city corresponds to the user’s detected location (which can be changed), streamlining the search process.

From/To search

The From/To search offers users increased flexibility while maintaining simplicity. It requires three inputs, with the carrier being optional. Both the Origin city and Destination hostname are mandatory. By default, the Origin city corresponds to the user’s detected location, ensuring ease of use. To get started, add your Origin city and Destination hostname to track the data path across the provided route.

Advanced search

The advanced search functionality is the most intricate search option available. It grants users the flexibility to conduct searches ranging from broad to highly specific traceroutes, based on various properties.  


By default, this search offers four distinct inputs: 

  • Include or exclude: users can specify whether the traceroutes should include or exclude following inputs.   
  • Node type: this selection determines whether the search focuses on origin nodes, destination nodes, intermediary nodes, or a general option encompassing any part of the traceroute.  
  • Filter type: corresponding options are presented based on the chosen node type. For instance, users may select criteria such as city, country, hostname and others. 
  • Filter value: corresponding options are presented based on the chosen filter type users input and the desired value for the chosen filter type. 

In addition, the advanced search feature allows users to add additional rows, each introducing a new set of search parameters. To be retrieved, traceroutes must meet all specified criteria across these rows, offering users the ability to craft highly tailored queries. 

How to find any traceroute that has an origin node in Ottawa 
Screenshot 2024 03 26 At 5.30.15 pm
Find any traceroute to that was created after 02/06/2022

Understand the results of your search

Search results are shown on the map. You can modify the displayed routes, view specific details of a route and access more metadata about the route in the following sections:

  • Traceroute summary: a list of the traceroutes found in your latest search. Click an entry to add it to the map.
  • Traceroute details: this table shows all of the information for each hop in a given traceroute. You can customize the table columns using the Selected columns section, allowing you to view a table containing all available information, or one personalized to your preferences.
  • Overlays: the overlays display where certain points of interest are on the map. There are currently the following points of interest:
    • DnsResolver: servers spread across Canada that translate domain names to IP addresses.
    • IXP: locations where network providers connect their networks to exchange data from internet traffic.
    • RipeProbe: network of probes that monitor the state of the internet.

Check the settings section!

Here are some parameters to keep in mind as you explore the platform:

Page size:
The page size changes the amount of traceroutes you can see in the summary table at once. It also determines how many more traceroutes the user can load at a time by pressing on the X more (20 more by default) button.

Mapping confidence core:
Traceroute hops do not inherently have locations. To map a traceroute, we need to assign each hop to a specific geographic location. We employ various methods to estimate where to place a hop, but we are not always successful in determining the correct location.

A confidence score is our estimate of how confident we are that the location for a given hop is correct. The higher the score, the more likely the data is correct. If the confidence score of a given hop is lower than the threshold in the settings, then the hop will not be shown on the map. If you suspect that one or more hops are dislocated, raise the threshold and you should see a more accurate path.

You will notice some abbreviations on the platform, here’s what they mean:

Dest. => Destination
CC => Country Code
Ip Addr. => IP Address
Transits US => Transits United States
