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The BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) is the oldest and most active civil liberties group in the country, with a mandate to promote, defend, sustain, and extend civil liberties and human rights in BC and Canada. BCCLA worked in partnership with the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic, Canada’s only public interest technology law clinic that works to advance public interest on critical law and technology issues. With many Canadians wondering how to protect the privacy and security of their devices when crossing the US border, this project involved developing educational resources for Canadians about their digital rights.


Two versions of their guide, Electronic Devices Privacy Handbook: A Guide to Your Rights at the Border, were produced: a shorter version with accessible language designed to appeal to the general public and a longer version targeted to policy makers, privacy advocates and academics. The guide helps Canadians understand their rights at the Canadian border and at US preclearance zones in Canada and provides tools to protect their privacy when travelling with electronic devices. The guide, which is available in multiple languages, had thousands of downloads and received coverage by major Canadian television networks, in print media and in major online outlets. They also produced two PSA videos with more than 15,000 hits.



bccla 2017

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