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1. What is a statement of purpose?
2. What does CIRA’s statement of purpose say?
3. What are the amendments to CIRA’s statement of purpose?
4. How do these amendments better reflect the activities of the organization?
5. Why is CIRA making these amendments to its statement of purpose now?
6. Will these amendments to CIRA’s statement of purpose change the direction of the organization or affect CIRA members?
7. Why is CIRA presenting these amendments to its statement of purpose to the members?


1. What is a statement of purpose?

CIRA is a not-for-profit organization incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.

Under this Act, not-for-profit organizations are required to set out a statement of purpose in their articles of incorporation, which is a statement that describes the goals or objectives  that the organization is created to achieve.

2. What does CIRA’s statement of purpose say?

CIRA’s statement of purpose is as follows:

The purposes of the corporation are:
a. to act as the registry for the .CA Internet domain;

b. to provide professional registry services comparable to other major national and international Internet registries;

c. to develop, carry out and/or support any other Internet-related activities in Canada; and

d. to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above purposes.

The language in this statement of purpose has not changed since 2006.

3. What are the amendments to CIRA’s statement of purpose?

At its board meeting on November 20, 2018, CIRA’s board of directors approved amendments to CIRA’s statement of purpose to better reflect the organization’s evolving activities. The amendments to CIRA’s statement of purpose are as follows:

The purposes of the corporation are:

a. to act as the registry for the .CA Internet domain;

b. to provide professional registry, Domain Name System (DNS), and related services comparable to other major national and international Internet registries;

c. to develop, carry out and/or support any other Internet-related activities in Canada that promote the good governance, development and use of the Internet for Canada; and

d. to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above purposes.

4. How do these amendments better reflect the activities of the organization?

The amendments to CIRA’s statement of purpose accomplish the following:

  • acknowledge that CIRA has operated the Domain Name system (DNS) since its inception as part of serving as the registry for the .CA Internet domain.
  • reflect that CIRA has for a number of years now, been providing professional registry services, DNS anycast and firewall services, and related services.
  • provide more clarity regarding the Internet-related activities provided by CIRA. The term “Internet-related activities” is very broad. The changes to item (c) narrow these activities and reflect those activities that CIRA participates in and leads in promoting the good governance, development and use of the internet for Canada, both domestically and internationally. This includes CIRA’s work around building a better online Canada, such as supporting Canada’s Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), engagement in international organizations like ICANN and policy conferences such as the Canadian Internet Governance Forum.

5. Why is CIRA making these amendments to its statement of purpose now?

CIRA wishes to recognize that, in keeping with the changes to the domain industry, its activities have expanded and evolved over time.

For a number of years now, in addition to registry services, CIRA has been providing DNS anycast and firewall services, and related services that enhance the protection of Canadians online. For example, we provide DNS anycast and firewall services to a multitude of universities, schools, hospitals, and municipalities.

CIRA has also implemented its Community Investment Program, and has undertaken activities, both domestically and internationally, that promote the good governance, development and use of the internet for Canada. These include initiatives like Canada’s Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), engagement in international organizations like ICANN, and launching the Canadian Internet Governance Forum.

These amendments better align our statement of purpose with the activities of the organization.

6. Will these amendments to CIRA’s statement of purpose change the direction of the organization or affect CIRA members?

No. These amendments to CIRA’s statement of purpose will not change the organization’s direction or the role of CIRA members, but rather, will align our statement of purpose with our current activities, priorities and the breadth of our work for the Canadian Internet.

7. Why is CIRA presenting these amendments to its statement of purpose to the members?

Under CIRA’s governing legislation, the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, any amendments to an organization’s statement of purpose must be approved by the organization’s members.
